Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Journal #12 Due 3/13/11

Who is your hero? Why?


  1. My hero is my grandfather because he's been through so much in his life and gotten through so many obstacles because he is such a kind and wise person. He always lightens the mood and knows just the right things to say. I love him to death and I've never looked up to anyone more!

  2. My hero is Lady Gaga; whenever anyone hears her name they go either "awhh shes a good singer" or "shes mad weird." I've never thought of her like that, i love the way how she's different than other artists, she dresses different, her voice is amazing & she does whatever she can to make her fans feel important. Shes different and thats what i adore the most

  3. My heroes would have to be my parents. They have always done what is best for me and they are there for me no matter what. They always made my sister and I their number one priorities
    and they have taught me many valuable lessons that I will continue to use for the rest of my life.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. My Hero no doubt is my grandmom because no matter what she always would do the best for me and get what i wanted or what would make me happy even if she had no money. Also she was always nice to me and others even if they weren't to her and she would tell you the truth.

  6. my hero is my parents. they are always there for me, they help me reach my goals. they know when to have fun, and when we need to be serrious.they will support me though everything, and are great people.

  7. my hero's are my parents. even though they get on my nerves a lot, they do the things that they do to teach me and prepare me for my later life. without them i'd be lost. they also support me in everything i do, and are there to listen to me when i need to talk about anything.

  8. my hero is undoubtedly Stan Van Gundy.. He is a phenomenal coach in the NBA and i really admire him for his ingenuity on the bball court and his integrity off the court

  9. Truthfully i really dont have a hero i have people i look up to though like my cousins and parents because they are always there for me when i need help or just need someone to talk to. So i really dont have one hero.

  10. my older brother because he has taught me a lot about what i know

  11. my hero is anyone who is willing to work towards their dreams

  12. My hero is Kevin Durant because he makes the NBA fun to watch

  13. My hero is my mom. i know it sounds like a cliche but my mom has always been there when needed. she's like a best friend, you can always talk to her about anything. she's taught me and my sister to have good values in life goals and to always reach for them. some way she always knows how to look at the best when it isn't always good. which makes me wanna always be a positive person in life no matter what.

  14. My dad because he is very successful and lives a good live with my family and i and so i want to be like him one day and therefore he is my hero.
